Community Forum
Welcome to the new Agatha Christie Community Forum Archive, your source of information from fans and experts alike.
The Agatha Christie Community Forum is now closed for comments. We recently carried out a comprehensive survey of Forum members. The results of the survey demonstrated that the Forum no longer fulfils the needs of our readers, and that our popular social media channels, website and newsletter are the preferred forms of communication.
With the closure of the Forum, we will be focusing our efforts on other channels, and will introduce new digital discussions, including a new Book of the Month chat on our Facebook page. We will be introducing a new ‘Ask an Expert’ page to our website, where you can post your questions to Agatha Christie devotees. Furthermore, we plan to introduce a themed Q&A, which will take place regularly on Twitter. We will also investigate games and further interactive content for the website, and for our email newsletter.
We’ll continue to bring you the news you want to see, from global updates to adaptations, story suggestions to character discussions, on our website, in our email newsletter, and across Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
We thank you for your continued interest in Agatha Christie, her life, stories and legacy. If you would like to send any feedback, please email Sarah Thrift, Digital Marketing Manager at Agatha Christie Limited.