Reading Lists
Discover the Poirot Continuation Novels

Classic crime fascinates us, but that doesn’t mean we never have time to read new releases. With the recent paperback release of Hercule Poirot's Silent Night by Sophie Hannah, we take a look at her criminally-good Poirot continuation stories.
Sophie Hannah’s first ever Poirot continuation novel is a thoroughly stylish affair, faithful to Christie’s story-telling style, yet with a modern touch. Three murder victims are found at the Bloxham Hotel, with monogrammed cufflinks in their mouths. It is clear the cases are linked, but how? Inspector Edward Catchpool, our narrator and Poirot’s companion throughout, must solve this sinister and puzzling mystery, with the help of the little grey cells, of course…
Each of his crime scenes was a work of macabre art with a hidden meaning that I could not decipher.
The country mansion of Lady Athelinda Playford is the setting for Hannah’s second Poirot mystery. Lady Playford has invited an interesting assortment of guests to her house in County Cork. Once they are assembled, she intends to announce her new will. But why has she invited Poirot, and Inspector Catchpool, when she has never met either of them before? The Playford children are both expecting their share of their mother's estate, yet she seems determined to leave everything she owns to a man who only has weeks to live...
In Poirot’s presence, it is easy to feel that one is a disappointing specimen.
Sophie Hannah’s third Poirot novel is a showstopper. Red herrings and false accusations abound, as Poirot finds himself at the centre of a poison pen scandal. Four letters were sent in his name, accusing four people of the same murder, but the famous Belgian detective didn’t write them. The question is, who did? And is there a murder to be solved? Join Inspector Catchpool, Hercule Poirot and a chorus of suspects at Combingham Hall for an unforgettable investigation.
Please explain to me why you and Poirot are determined to accuse an innocent man of a murder that wasn’t a murder at all.
The Killings at Kingfisher Hill
Hercule Poirot is ready to board a luxury coach to the renowned Kingfisher Hill estate, with Catchpool for company. The Belgian detective has been called to help in a family matter, by Richard Devonport, who is determined to prove that his fiancé didn't kill his brother Frank. But then why did Helen Acton confess to the crime?
He said I'd be murdered! "Mark my words," he said. "You heed this warning, or you won't get off that coach alive".
Hercule Poirot and Inspector Edward Catchpool have been summoned to a crumbling mansion on the Norfolk coast to investigate the murder of a man on a hospital ward. But Cynthia's friend Arnold is soon to be admitted to the very same ward and his wife is convinced that he will be the killer's next victim. Can Poirot and Catchpool solve the mystery in time to make it home for Christmas or will they be destined to spend the festive period with an eccentric and mysterious family?
What the Norfolk constabulary has failed to achieve in three months and eleven days, I shall endeavour to bring to a close in...let us say, ten hours.