Reading Lists

Read Christie 2025

Outset Three Act Tragedy RC25as

Welcome to #ReadChristie2025! This year we are discovering Christie's stories through her wonderful canon of characters and their careers. Every month we select a new character type and read a book where they feature - from artists and performers to detectives and spies. Are you ready for the next book in the challenge?

If you have any queries, please take a look at our FAQs page.

Our March choice: Three Act Tragedy

We have selected Three Act Tragedy for March’s prompt, performers. The principal character in this novel is the esteemed actor, Sir Charles Cartwright. Amongst his dinner party guests in the first act are patron of the arts Mr Satterthwaite, well-known actress Angela Sutcliffe, dressmaker to the stage stars Mrs Dacres, and Anthony Astor (or Miss Wills), the playwright. As if that wasn’t enough drama from the outset, Hercule Poirot is there to “overegg” his performance as an underestimated Belgian detective…

What’s it about?

Host Sir Charles Cartwright has assembled a pleasant gathering of fellow professionals, plus some locals from his new-found home of Crow’s Nest, Loomouth. To avoid being thirteen at dinner, the efficient housekeeper, Miss Millray will join them for supper. Before the group can sit down to eat, however, Reverend Babbington has a funny turn and dies with his martini unfinished. Sir Charles’ friend Sir Bartholomew “Tollie” Strange is a doctor, who dismisses the suggestion of foul play. But when Tollie himself dies at his own gathering months later, the actor and his associates want to uncover the truth behind this eerie coincidence… A desire to clear his youthful love interest, Miss Lytton Gore, spurs Charles on.

Charles is always acting. He can’t help it—it’s second nature to him. Charles doesn’t go out of a room—he “makes an exit”—and he usually has to have a good line to make it on.
Agatha Christie, Three Act Tragedy

Did you know?

  • As well as being divided into three acts on the contents page, Agatha Christie assigns a director, two assistant directors, as well as a costume provider before the book has even begun. The role of “Illumination by Hercule Poirot” ought to add a wry smile for those starting this story for the first time.

Alternative stories

Agatha Christie’s canon is littered with actors and performers. From musicians to plays taking centre stage in a story, there are so many great books to choose from for this month’s prompt. If you’re looking for another Miss Marple story, we recommend trying The Body in the Library or The Mirror Crack’d from Side to Side. If you are interested in reading one of the Mary Westmacott novels, then Giant’s Bread would be an appropriate choice. If you’re keen to explore a different Hercule Poirot story, we recommend Lord Edgware Dies.

How to get involved

Once you've printed your challenge postcard, simply fill in the story you've chosen for this category and get reading! If you post about your choice on social media make sure to tag us in the photo so we can see it. Use #ReadChristie2025 on Instagram for your chance to be featured in our monthly reading round-ups. Alternatively, you can let us know via our X, Facebook or Instagram which book you've chosen, in the comment sections of our posts.

However you join us, we hope you have fun with this year's challenge.

Our 2025 reading choices

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Our February choice: The Thirteen Problems

Our February choice: The Thirteen Problems

We have selected The Thirteen Problems for February's prompt, authors. In this collection of short stories a group of friends gather for dinner, one of whom is Miss Marple's nephew, Raymond West, who is a writer. Raymond believes his talent as an author means he understands the world in a way many do not and therefore initially dismisses his Aunt Jane's perspective. What on earth could she possibly know that he, a writer and therefore keen observer, miss? These stories can be found in the collection titled Miss Marple: The Complete Short Stories in the US.

What's it about?

It's just another Tuesday night in the serene village of St Mary Mead. Ten friends are gathered for dinner, only it's not a usual dinner party. Each week the guests take it in turns to share a seemingly unsolvable mystery for the others to try and decipher. Amongst the group is a policeman, a clergyman, and a solicitor, but it is the unassuming elderly lady with the shrewd gaze who surprises everyone with her understanding of human nature.

There is a great deal of wickedness in village life. I hope you dear young people will never realize how very wicked the world is.
Agatha Christie, The Thirteen Problems

Did you know?

  • Raymond West tells the story 'Ingots of Gold' in this collection.
  • In The Body in the Library Christie name-checks herself through the voice of young detective fiction aficionado, Peter Carmody who boasts of having signed copies of Agatha Christie and Dorothy L. Sayers among others.
  • Ariadne Oliver, who assists Poirot with several cases, writes detective stories and has a pedantic Finnish detective called Sven Hjerson.

Do you have a favourite author who appears in Agatha Christie stories? Tell us about them on Instagram.

Alternative stories

There are plenty of different options for this month if you prefer novels to short stories. We would recommend opting for one starring the famous author, Ariadne Oliver. The Pale Horse is an excellent book with a spooky atmosphere, love potions (perfect for an alternative Valentine's day read) and a compelling mystery at its heart. Another great choice is Mrs McGinty's Dead. Ariadne joins forces with Poirot in this story as they solve the brutal murder of the landlady. Ariadne plays an integral part in Dead Man's Folly, and is therefore a great option. The author agrees to organise a charity murder hunt at a Devonshire house...but at the last minute she suspects something more sinister as at play. You could also opt for Cards on the Table, Hallowe'en Party, Elephants Can Remember, or Third Girl.

How to get involved

Once you've printed your challenge postcard, simply fill in the story you've chosen for this category and get reading! If you post about your choice on social media make sure to tag us in the photo so we can see it. Use #ReadChristie2025 on Instagram for your chance to be featured in our monthly reading round-ups. Alternatively, you can let us know via our X, Facebook or Instagram which book you've chosen, in the comment sections of our posts.

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Our January book: Five Little Pigs

Our January choice: Five Little Pigs

The first prompt of the year is artists and we have chosen to read a firm favourite amongst fans, Five Little Pigs. The victim in this story is Amyas Crale who, as well as being a husband and father, was a well-known painter. In fact, it was this very activity he had been doing in the garden when his body was discovered.

What's it about?

16 years ago Caroline Crale was tried and convicted for murdering her husband, Amyas. She had a motive and the evidence was damning but in a letter to her daughter, Caroline insisted her innocence. Now Poirot must journey back over a decade to solve the mystery once and for all. Is Caroline guilty of murder or was she the victim of someone else's lethal game?

I do not need to bend and measure the footprints and pick up the cigarette ends and examine the bent blades of grass. It is enough for me to sit back in my chair and think.
Agatha Christie, Five Little Pigs

Did you know?

  • Raymond West, Miss Marple’s nephew, marries an artist called Joan.
  • Unfinished Portrait, which centres around Celia and artist Larraby, was only Christie's second novel published under the pseudonym Mary Westmacott.
  • Five Little Pigs is a retrospective case, meaning we gain insight into the life of artist Amyas Crale throughout the novel, and from five perspectives.

Do you have a favourite artist who appears in Agatha Christie stories? Tell us about it on Instagram.

Alternative stories

If you would prefer to read a different book this month, we have a few recommendations. Henrietta Savernake from The Hollow is a skilled sculptor and is among a group of friends attending Lucy Angkatell's dinner. However, upon Hercule Poirot's arrival at the house, one of the party is found dead by the swimming pool. You could also choose to read Third Girl. This Poirot mystery is set in the swinging sixties and follows a young girl who comes to the detective's office and states she might have killed someone. When he begins his investigations, Poirot learns that the mystery girl lives with two others - a secretary and an artist... Another option for this month is Unfinished Portrait. This is one of the six stories Christie wrote under her pseudonym, Mary Westmacott. During a turbulent time in her life, Celia meets Larraby, a successful portrait painter who tries to help her come to terms with her past.

How to get involved

Once you've printed your challenge postcard, simply fill in the story you've chosen for this category and get reading! If you post about your choice on social media make sure to tag us in the photo so we can see it. Use #ReadChristie2025 on Instagram for your chance to be featured in our monthly reading round-ups. Alternatively, you can let us know via our X, Facebook or Instagram which book you've chosen, in the comment sections of our posts.

Our first book club of the year will be taking place on Thursday 30th January on our Instagram stories. You will have 24 hours to answer the questions and then we’ll be sharing our favourite responses the following day.

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