Anna Maxwell Martin
Meek and biddable, Soldier Island’s housekeeper is the wife of Thomas Rogers, on whom she is utterly dependent. A life of service and the stain of rumour have weakened her soul; Ethel’s one retreat is in the kitchen, where she truly excels.
Often Agatha Christie adaptations are quite soft focussed...With this production we are striking out for a new look and making it very ‘film noir’.
Anna Maxwell Martin knew before she even read the script that she wanted to be involved with this production. She explains: "I read a lot of Agatha Christie when I was younger, but I didn’t know this one particularly well and had never done a Christie adaptation before. The calibre of the production was so excellent. Then I read the script and definitely wanted to play Ethel."
Anna admits she couldn't guess the ending of And Then There Were None. "I was completely in the dark and didn’t have a clue. That’s the good thing about it, no one should really know who anyone is and hopefully we have managed to keep everyone guessing so that you shouldn’t be able to pin any one of them down."