Noah Taylor
Hounded from prior employments by cruel gossip, the new butler on Soldier Island has nothing left in the world besides his wife, Ethel. Under the aegis of Mr and Mrs U.N. Owen, they are the very model of efficiency and deference – though behind closed doors their partnership is increasingly bitter.
This is the ultimate whodunit.
A self confessed Agatha Christie fan he continues: "I love crime fiction and have read much of Agatha Christie's output, she pretty much invented the modern form of the genre in much the same way as Hitchcock invented suspense in film. Because she's always been so popular there can be certain snobbery about her writing, but I think she's one of the greats. There's a lot of humour and wit in her writing as well that's often overlooked."
Describing his character, Noah says: "Rogers is a dangerous and duplicitous fellow. He's skilled at presenting a fawning, subservient image to his masters, whilst plotting away against them downstairs. He is frustrated and bitter with his lot in life and takes it out on his poor long-suffering wife Ethel.”
Discover more about the cast of And Then There Were None.