11-20 of 1085 search results
News: Read all about it! City gripped by The Monogram Murders!
1920s style newspaper boys will be at London’s tube stations handing out Monogram Murder newspapers.

News: Agatha Christie: Horror Writer?
An exploration or Agatha Christie's horror, and supernatural-themed stories

News: Agatha Christie's Methods of Murder by Claire Reynolds
Claire Reynolds explores one of Christie’s favourite methods
for setting her stories in motion – poison.

News: #125Stories - Fan letters uncovered from the archive
Original fan letters received by Agatha Christie and kept in the archive are uncovered for the first time.

News: The Monogram Murders Newspaper
Download The London Inquisitor, a free newspaper marking the
paperback release of Sophie Hannah’s novel.

News: Official Trailer for The Secret Adversary
The Secret Adversary
presents the first new stage adaptation of Agatha Christie's work in over a

News: Witness for the Prosecution - See You In Court
Agatha Christie's most celebrated courtroom drama to be presented in a thrillingly new and memorable way.

News: Filming Begins on And Then There Were None
With an illustrious cast in place, filming has begun on this new adaptation of Agatha Christie’s masterpiece.

News: Branagh to Direct and Star in Murder on the Orient Express
Kenneth Branagh will direct Murder on the Orient Express and take on the role of Hercule Poirot.

News: Brand New Digital Storytelling App
Experience Agatha Christie’s character Mr Quin as never before with this brand new digital storytelling app.