541-550 of 1085 search results
Stories: The Soul of the Croupier
Mr Satterthwaite is on his annual trip to Monte Carlo when he finds himself in the company of Mr Quin. The Mysterious man is caught up in a love triangle; together the men do their best to ensure everyone’s happiness. From The Mysterious Mr Quin.

Stories: The Sign in the Sky
Can Mr Quin and Mr Satterthwaite prove a man innocent when he is convicted of murder? Or did Martin Wylde really take the life of the beautiful Vivien Barnaby? From The Mysterious Mr Quin.

Stories: The Man from the Sea
A man tries to leap to his death but is stopped first by Harley Quin, then by Mr Satterthwaite. Can they restore happiness to the man's life? From The Mysterious Mr Quin.

Stories: The Love Detectives
A messy love triangle ends in murder, but are the widowed wife and her lover really to blame? Satterthwaite encounters Mr Quin once more and they examine the facts of the situation... From Three Blind Mice and Other Stories and Problem at Pollensa Bay.

Stories: The Harlequin Tea Set
Mr Quin leaves Satterthwaite with one word: Daltonism. But what does a tendency to colour blindness have to do with a brutal murder? From Problem at Pollensa Bay and Other Stories and The Harlequin Tea Set and Other Stories.

Stories: The Face of Helen
Satterthwaite and Mr Quin witness a brutal fight outside an opera house - what could have caused such behaviour? From The Mysterious Mr Quin.

Stories: The Dead Harlequin
Mr Satterthwaite stumbles across a painting depicting a Harlequin, much like his friend Mr Quin, standing in the scene where a man shot himself fourteen years earlier. Coincidence? From The Mysterious Mr Quin.

Stories: At the 'Bells and Motley'
A man disappeared from a house in the village of Kirklington Mallet, leaving his wife and all their possessions. Satterthwaite and Quin talk through the details of the mystery and finally see it for what it was... From The Mysterious Mr Quin.

Stories: The Coming of Mr Quin
The introduction of Mr Harley Quin; enigmatic and insightful, Agatha Christie described him as associated with love and death. From The Mysterious Mr Quin.

Stories: Harlequin's Lane
When two Russian dancers are injured in a car crash on the way to a performance at a masquerade, substitutes are quickly found so that the show can continue. But there is mysterious work at play that could put anyone in real danger…